Please be aware that a growing number of companies have recently been sent a rogue email from “Companies House” containing a zip file to be downloaded which is bogus and is a VIRUS!
If you think you are being sent an illegitimate email it might be worth visiting the Companies House website and reading up on Security Advice.
If you receive anything that looks similar to the example below please DO NOT download it
This message has been generated in response to the company complaint submitted to Companies House WebFiling service.
(???) Company Complaint for the above company was accepted on 12/09/2013.
The submission number is …….
Please quote this number in any communications with Companies House.
All WebFiled documents are available to view / download for 10 days after their original submission. However it is not possible to view copies of accounts that were downloaded as templates.
Not yet filing your accounts online? See how easy it is…
Note: reference to company may also include Limited Liability Partnership(s).
Thank you for using the Companies House WebFiling service.
Service Desk tel +44 (0)303 1595 583 or email
Note: This email was sent from a notification-only email address which cannot accept incoming email. Please do not reply directly to this message.
As with all advice in this area, if you are not sure about the integrity or validity of a file or attachment DO NOT OPEN IT.