Blog Archives

Bankruptcy – what you need to know

The latest in the business advice series from Remedy looks at bankruptcy and its implications. Bankruptcy is a serious matter and you should always seek the advice of an appropriate professional, be that a lawyer, accountant or insolvency practitioner. There

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Business rates exemptions for empty commercial property extended to 2015

The latest from the Remedy business advice series looks at the recent changes to business rates for empty commercial property. The level of small business rate relief in England was increased temporarily in 2010 and has subsequently been extended since

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Employment Allowance can reduce National Insurance by £2,000

The latest topic in the Remedy business advice series concerns the latest changes to employers National Insurance. The Government recently announced the formation of the Employment Allowance and it can be claimed from 6th April 2014. Employers can reduce the

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Remote working – not just a back-up option

The latest topic in the Remedy business advice series looks at the growing popularity and importance of remote working. The potential impact of a significant natural event like the recent flooding on small to medium-sized businesses can be significant or

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Not paid today – can I walk off site?

The latest topic in the Remedy business advice series looks at an employees rights if they are not paid. You might think it perfectly reasonable to assume that if your employer doesn’t pay you as planned you are within your

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Employer fines for failure to pay National Minimum Wage

The latest quick update in the Remedy business advice series looks at the implications of failing to pay the national minimum wage. Regulations introducing new limits came into force in February 2014 and are aimed at employers who fail to

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Redundancy – Ignoring volunteer for redundancy

The latest topic in the Remedy business advice series looks at the implications for ignoring a volunteer when carrying out a redundancy process. In the redundancy process you may think it’s perfectly acceptable to ignore a request for voluntary redundancy,

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Why do I need to be aware or the Contempt of Court Act 1981?

The next topic chosen as part of the Remedy business advice series concerns the Contempt of Court Act 1981. It has far reaching implications and is more relevant to most businesses than you might think. We all need to be

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IMPORTANT WARNING – Companies House bogus e-mails

This update as part of the Remedy business advice series identifies the latest in a long line of bogus e-mails purporting to come from Companies House. We have been made aware of an email that has caused some companies extensive

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Credit control – have a strategy

The next update from the Remedy business advice series looks at credit control and the importance of having a strategy. Money is still tight for many companies despite the improvements in the economy, but huge amounts of debt still remain

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